Flint After Dark



Stuart Williams - Ventrue Prince Stuart Williams was a Norman lord before Duke William's invasion of England. He remained active in Britain's politics until just before the American Revolution when he came to the New World. He lived in Boston until 1815, then traveled to the frontier. Stuart was the first Kindred to settle in Flint, and he established himself as prince in 1849. He had trouble with the Brujah in 1872, but was able to stop them from taking over. He took control of GM from the Brujah in 1988 and has turned the city's automotive industry around. Stuart has been successful in keeping the Sabbat out of Flint by a number of means. His chief enforcer is Lucy Reynolds, an Assamite, who is well suited to the job.
Born: 963
Embraced: 1018
Sire: Brianna
Childer: Reggie Dawson, Tristan d'Castilla (Nashville), Landry Bardon (London)
Ghouls: Shep and Paula Kitrich

Diane Mascord - Ventrue Primogen Primogen - Diane Mascord
Born: 1206
Embraced: 1235
Sire: Stuart Williams
Childer: Mia
Ghouls: Chase Garnet, Thorpe
Owns: The Crucible

Reggie Dawson - Ventrue Born: 1942
Embraced: 1968
Sire: Stuart Williams
Ghouls: Hedy Waters

Mia - Ventrue One night a shop girl Mia was feeding from fought back, and Mia believes she killed the girl. She does not know that she accidentally embraced the girl, Zephyr, who is now the leader of Flint's Caitiff.
Born: 1440
Embraced: 1478
Sire: Diane Mascord
Childer: Candi, Zephyr
Ghouls: Wyman

Candi - Ventrue Born: 1500
Embraced: 1529
Sire: Mia
Childer: Paxton
Ghouls: Stephen Taylor

Paxton - Ventrue Born: 1855
Embraced: 1874
Sire: Candi
Childer: Georgina Bowers

Georgina Bowers - Ventrue Born: 1879
Embraced: 1905
Sire: Paxton
Childer: Ryan O’Boyle (Phoenix)

Barbara - Ventrue Barbara came to Flint in 1945 claiming to be Ventrue, however for years she was blackmailed by Duncan Masters for displaying distinctly un-Ventrue Disciplines.
Born: 1821
Embraced: 1842
Sire: Griffin Van Vleet
Ghouls: Schneider


Shep Kitrich
Domitor: Stuart Williams

Paula Kitrich
Domitor: Stuart Williams

Chase Garnet
Chase Garnet is a captain in the Flint Police Department.
Domitor: Diane Mascord

Hedy Waters is an executive with Citizen’s Insurance Company.
Domitor: Reggie Dawson

Wyman manages the Crucible.
Domitor: Mia

Stephen Taylor
Stephen Taylor is the Police Chief of Flint.
Domitor: Candi

Schneider is an Accountant.
Domitor: Barbara

