Los Angeles After Dark



Madeline - Toreador Primogen Primogen - Madeline up until a few years had an aspiring singing career which was cut short when her daytime double was brutally murdered. Now she is laying low and allowing time to pass before she allows herself to be 'discovered' again. She still sings for private Kindred engagements, but she's currently writing for her next coming out.
Childer: Benjamin Perry, Alicia Dew

Alicia Dew - Toreador Alicia Dew is a former ghoul of one of the Toreador that were killed during the clan wars of 1999. Madeline embraced her to help decrease the ghoul population and increase the Kindred population. She is a writer.
Born: 8/25/1962 Embraced: 1999 Sire: Madeline

Benjamin Perry - Toreador Benjamin Perry was originally from Detroit. After he fell in love with Emma and embraced her, they traveled to LA where she owns a law firm and he paints.
Sire: Madeline
Childer: Emma Hughes (FD 2003), Nick Covello (FD 2003)

Emma Hughes - Toreador Originally from Detroit, Emma Hughes helped rebuild the city after the clan wars of 1999. Unfortunately, she met Final Death at the beginning of the Yakusa War.

For more information about Emma, please click on her picture.
Final Death: 2003
Sire: Benjamin Perry
Childe: Brandy Lewis

Brandy Lewis - Toreador Brandy Lewis is from Los Angeles. She wanted to be a singer her entire life. She had a band with her childhood friends that was working hard but not getting anywhere. Because of the need for repopulating the city after the clan wars of 1999, Emma embraced her.
Born: 10/15/1978
Embraced: 1999
Sire: Emma Hughes (FD 2003)
Ghouls: Martin Ryan, Sylvia Fuller

Nick Covello - Toreador Nick Covello is a gambler who dropped out of Law school. He was ghouled by a Gangrel, and embraced by accident just after the clan wars of 1999. Unfortunately, he didn’t survive the Yakuza invasion of 2003.

Embraced: 1999
Final Death: 2003
Sire: Benjamin Perry

Emry Thomas - Toreador Emry Thomas - Elyssium Keeper


Martin Ryan - Toreador Ghoul Martin Ryan was taken on by Brandy Lewis when Emma Hughes was killed at the beginning of the Yakusa war.
Domitor: Brandy Lewis

Sylvia Fuller - Toreador Ghoul Sylvia Fuller is a former Ventrue ghoul who's domitor was killed during the clan wars of 1999. She was taken on by Brandy Lewis when Emma Hughes was killed at the beginning of the the Yakusa War
Domitor: Brandy Lewis

