
Rites of the Bastet

A witch; and one so strong
She could control the moon - make flows and ebbs,
And deal in her command with all her power.

William Shakespeare - “The Tempest”

Potent as the Gifts of cat magic are, some tasks require more ceremonial rites. Although the Bastet, being less social and more individualistic, don’t place the same importance on rites as their lupine cousins, some occasions are still significant enough to warrant and elaborate ritual.

Most Bastet rites are solitary; while they often include chaya, these ceremonies ar performed by a single cat. Taghairm Rites are an exception - these ceremonies demand the presence of a number of Bastet. Other werecats can participate in the solitary rites; their presence just isn’t required to complete the rituals. Like Gifts, rites involve story elements more significant than the game mechanics. Such rituals are important milestones in a werecat’s life, especially the Rites of Kuasha, Need and Moon, and shouldn’t be brushed off with a simple “Yeah, you did the Rite of Contrition and everything’s fine.” Folklore speaks in hushed tones of mad-cat rites, where screeches and yowls could be heard for miles and villagers locked themselves inside, lest they catch sight of the dancing cats even by accident, and be hunted down and ripped to pieces. The Folk are not casual with their rites - no stranger, not wizard nor werewolf, not mortal nor immortal, is welcome at feline rituals. Play a rite for all it’s worth; to a Bastet, it’s worth a hell of a lot.

In game terms, Bastet rites function much like Garou ones. Each rite level requires at least 10 minutes worth of ceremony to enact, although the cat-folk don’t require the various celebrants the werewolf rites do. A cat can only perform rites that she has the Knowledge Ability to understand, and must set aside a ritual space by learning and preparing a spot for a sacred working. Although the Bastet don’t have the strict social codes that Garou abide by, they take their rituals fairly seriously. The cat must be in the right state of mind to invoke the proper magics, and among some tribes that may take a bit of preparation in itself.


Need Taghairm

Rites Difficulty Chart




Kuasha Charisma + Rituals 6
Moon Manipulation + Rituals 9 - phase of the moon
Need Wits + Rituals 7
Taghairm Charisma + Rituals 7

Overlapping Rites

Many Bastet rites duplicate Garou rites in effect, if not in form. Storytellers and players should work together to define the variations in a rite, for example a Bastet might perform the Dedication Rite only at Twilight. The following rites are shared, if not in name, by both werecats and werewolves.


Dedication Rite (Rite of Talisman Dedication), Rite of Contrition


Bind the Spirit-Fetish (Rite of the Fetish), Rite of Summoning, Rouse the Sleeping Spirit (Rite of Spirit Awakening)


Rite of Cleansing, Rite of the Opened Bridge


Festival of Flowers (Gathering for the Departed)