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Rafael de Corazon (founder) ; Killian ; Violetta (around 1666- ?1855) ; Gunther (-1889) ; Montecalme (before 1920s-1985) ; Madame Guil (1985-now)

Genealogy of the Toreador

Here is the list of 250 known Toreador.

Syntax of each entry:

[Sex] Name <generation> (birth:embrace+death) Progeny of ... Sire of ... (date). Brief description and comments. [References] (historical references).

Powerful blood

[F] Arikel <3> (:~ -8000) Progeny of Enoch. Sire of Amarantha , Beshter/Michael (-2149) and Iontius. The oldest antediluvian. Twin of Malkav.

Revised Toreador and Ventrue Clanbooks suggests that Arikel was not the Toreador progenitor, and that she was killed by the Nosferatu and Setite Antediluvians, who cut out and ate her heart. Yet she awoke from torpor around 260 BC and advised Prince Alchias of Syracuse. [Cb-To] [CbR-To] [CbR-V,pp13,18] [CbR-As]

[F] Ishtar/Astarte/Inanna <3> (:~ -8000) Progeny of Enoch. Sire of probably Minos. Katherine of Montpelier insists that Ishtar is the Toreador Antediluvian, a bull-fighter. Fought with the Gangrel Antediluvian and took shelter with King Minos, siring his son, who fell to the beast and became the 'Minotaur' of mythology. [CbR-To] (Babylonian Goddess)

[F] Amarantha <4> Progeny of Arikel. The first known victim of Diablerie. Mistakenly diablerized by an Assamite judge while he was administering punishment to her. [CbR-As]

[M] Beshter/Michael <4> (age early 20s:-2149+1204) Sire of Petronius (65) , , probably Enimachia , Anthemios of Tralles (539) , Pakourianis the Dove (567) and Paul Bathalos (750). Embraced in Ebla and named Mi-ka-il. Takes residence in Rome in -548 and named Beshter. Around 58, Beshter and Antonius become lovers in Rome. Converts to Christianity in 85 and is Baptised Michael. Encounters Dracon in Greece (152) and they became lovers. Around 312, the three Methulesahs Beshter, Antonius and Dracon become a vampiric Triumvirate, that will rule Constantinople. Michael rules Byzance alone from 842 until its destruction. Had delusions of divinity. Instilled in Vykos the need to continue his quest for building Heaven on Earth. Mary the Black diablerized him. [CobN,p104] [CN-Tz] [TC2] [CbR-Tz] (Persian deity/Archangel)

[M] Minos <4> (+~ -1200) Progeny of Arikel or more probably Ishtar. Sire of Helena (-1207). Helena diablerized him. [CbN1] [CbN2,p111]

[M] Iontius aka. Derrick Zeel <4> Progeny of Arikel. Sire of Ishaq ibn Ibrahim. Greece. He is a porn star. He owns the video production company that makes his films. Zeel is a major figure in the slave trade, and some claim the has cults dedicated to him in every corner of the world. Iontius somehow gained the ability to feed off his victims through sex rather than by normal vampiric means. Demonic Investment. [Cb-To] [EEW]

[M] Sir Matthew Lubbock <4> Sire of Christopher Houghton (1682). He awakened from torpor around 1650, left to Boston after the defeat of Bonnie Prince Charlie, threw Christopher away from his home in the late 1820s. [LAbN,p83]

[F] Alexandria/Callisti y Castillo aka. Red Ludwing <4 or 5> Progeny of maybe Helena. Sire of Rafael de Corazon (1182 or 1389). Prince of Buenos Aires. Alexandria traveled to the New World with Francisco Pizarro's expedition. She is known to have feuded with Helena, who came to the New World around the same time. Some older Toreador claim Alexandria is actually Callisti y Castillo. She is the owner of one of the largest private collections of museum-quality works. [Cb-To] [CotI] [GttC]

[F] Marikasha <maybe 4> Sire of Mariella. Active at least as early as ancient Crete. Ruler of Alexandria from its founding (-330) until abdication (-185). Now sleeps under a mountain in Tanzania. [BoN]

[F] Theresa del Babillone <4 or 5> Methuselah ruler of Costa Rica. [WoD2]

[F] Helena <5-4> (-1233:-1207) Progeny of Minos. Sire of Eletria (-86) , Melinda Galbraith (1143) , Maria and Villon (1230). She diablerised her own sire. Awoke in 1990 in Chicago, known as Portia (CbN). Sent back to torpor by Daughters of Cacophony in 2000 (NoP). [CbN1] [CbN2,p111] [NoP] (Greek history/legend)

Ancient blood

[F] Eletria <5> (-114:-86) Progeny of Helena. Born in Sparta. She is a friend of Datura. She rules Veracruz with him. [CbN2,p113]

[M] Petronius <5> (35:65) Progeny of Beshter/Michael. Roman satirist. Leader of the Michaelite family in Constantinople. [CobN,p105]

[F] Enimachia <5> Progeny of probably Beshter/Michael. Sire of Darshuf (478). Her origin is Constantinople. Fled to Europe and vanished after the rise of Islam. [VN]

[M] Masser <5> Sire of Barqat (689). [VN]

[M] Anthemios of Tralles <5> (500:537) Progeny of Beshter/Michael. Muse of architecture in Constantinople. [CobN,p105]

[M] Pakourianis the Dove <5> (545:567) Progeny of Beshter/Michael. Muse of Paintings in Constantinople. [CobN,p105]

[M] Paul Bathalos <5> (722:750) Progeny of Beshter/Michael. Muse of Sculpture in Constantinople. [CobN,p106]

[F] Melinda Galbraith <5> (1113:1143+1999) Progeny of Helena. Sire of Rosa Martinez (1880). Regent of the Sabbat in 1995. Probably assassinated. She was a ruthless manipulator who used assassination and blackmail to gain control of the sect; however, she has proven time and time again to be an outstanding leader. Ruling Mexico City. However, Melinda had disappeared months ago, following a major unexplained disaster in the region which had killed thousands.[RD] There was talk of a demon rising. Shaitan, another Methuselah, had been the force behind that disaster. Shaitan had tried, with Melinda's help, to rise from hundred of years of torpor. Other vampires, from the Camarilla, had interfered, and the effort ended in a major earthquake and explosion that had devastated the Mexico City region. Shaitan disappeared, having either been destroyed or returned to unending sleep. Melinda appearance in Washington DC months later.[NoP] offers some explanations regarding the Sabbat massacres in Central America. [PGS,p19] [SHS,p35] [CF,p54] [RD] [NoP] [CbR-Tz]

[M] Rafael de Corazon <5> (1154:1182 or 1389) Progeny of Callisti. Inner Circle. One of the Founders of the Camarilla and first Toreador Justicar. Made in 1450 his famous speech of the Fifth Rule of the Code of Caine, which led to the Masquerade. Prince of Paris from ~1400 until the end of the 16th century. Lead the Giovanni negotiations in 1528.Embraced in 1182 according to CotI and in 1389 according to TbN and TC2. [CotI,p35] [GC1,p59] [GC2,p19] [GttC] [TC2,p96]

[F] Maria <5> (+ ) Progeny of Helena. Sire of Annabelle Triabel (1722). She was killed by Helena when she awakens from torpor around 1980. [CbN1] [CbN2,p112]

[M] François Villon <5> (1197:1230) Progeny of Helena. Sire of Violetta (1250) , Calabris (1595) and Renata di Medici (1793). He is the Prince of Paris since around the end of 16th century.

Historical Villon was born in 1431, condemned to death in 1462. His condemnation to death was commuted to banishment in 1463, he left Paris and was neved heard of anymore. Apparently, White Wolf's Villon is supposed to have been embraced in 1230 (cf. WoD1 or TC3). That could be a typo, but TC3 implies that he borrowed the name about a century after the poet's death. [WoD1,p57] [PG2,p133] [GC2] [TC3] [HoD] [MC]

[M] Baron Philippe Volgirre <5> (+1579) Sire of Madame Guil (1579). He burned is his castle before he could blood bond her. [BHDB,p10] [NoP]

[-] Ishaq ibn Ibrahim <5> Progeny of Iontius. Sire of Redondo de Vasquez. [EEW]

[-] Endymion <5> Sire of Oscar Wilde (1900). [WoD1,p133] (Greek mythological character)

[M] Andrew of Normandy <5> Grand Master of the Sable Rose. Bishop of Nod for the Holy Land, Scotland and Northen France. [CH,p58]

[M] Christopher Houghton <5> (1669:1682) Progeny of Sir Matthew Lubbock. Sire of Joaquin Murietta (1853) and Don Sebastian (1870). [LAbN,pp20-21,84]

[F] Allanyan Serata <5> Sire of Stefan. Primogen of San Francisco in 1929. She is a poser. [PoC] [BW]

[M] Caius Petronius <maybe 5> He influenced Nero so much, may still be around. [Cb-V]

[M] Iulus Rufus Naso <maybe 5> (:~215) Sword maker, his craftsmanship is impeccable, a blade of Iulus is consider a marvel. Dwell in Ostia. [AK,p122]

[F] Vashtai <maybe 5> (+~1920) Sire of Nakshidil. Murdered by the Setites around the end of WWI. [WoD2]

[F] Mariella <maybe 5> (+-30) Progeny of Marikasha. Ruler of Alexandria from the abdication of her sire (-185) until her death (-30).

[M] Elsh/Zaaru-Heyan <6> (-1125:-1079+1555) Architect for the worship place of Jerusalem. [JbN,p102]

[F] Sophoniba <6> (:7th Century BCE) Sultan of Tunis. Embraced in the heyday of Phoenician culture along the Mediterranean. Her family were among the honored craftspeople who produced the rich dyes that gave the Phoenicians their fame. Her sire wished the secret of their production. Sophoniba resisted him. Eventually she overcame her arrogant sire and took his blood. She still remembers the arts of dyeing and weaving. [VN]

[M] Darshuf <6> (:478) Progeny of Enimachia. Sire of Mannal (878). Sultan of Damascus. Embraced by Enimachia who traced his lineage back to Constantinople. When Islam emerged as the tribal religion of the south, Darshuf used the opportunity to unseat his sire from preeminence -accusing her of serving Constantinople at the expense of Damascus. Enimachia returned to Constantinople and tried to gather support, but was ignored. She fled to Europe and vanished. [VN]

[M] Barqat <6> (:689) Progeny of Masser. Mouthpiece of Darshuf. An accomplished wood worker before his embrace. Has displayed a knack for words and solid advice since then. This quickly earned him a place by Darshuf's side. Descended straight into Annazir's clutches. Became more corrupt than Darshuf. [VN]

[M] Oliver <6> Sire of Arianne (1120). In torpor in Paris. [TbN,p95] [TC2]

[M] Sire Wenceslas <6> (969:1032) [GC1,p46]

[M] Theophano <6> Sire of Katherine of Montpellier (1100s). [CbR-To]

[F] Violetta <6> (1231:1250) Progeny of Villon. Was a female actor. Love affair with Villon before her embrace. Relatively new Justicar in 1666, probably remained until 1855. [GC2,p80] [GC3,p16]

[M] Herodian <6> Sire of Father Samuel (1333). [TC2,p96]

[M] Bernard <6> Sire of Chevalier d'Eglantine (1454). [TC3]

[F] Lady Melisande <6> (:1506) Antitribu [GC2]

[M] Count Dravik <6> Sire of Jean-Marc d'Harfleur (1444). Sadistic. [TC2,p95]

[M] Elonzo <6> Sire of Masdela (1543). [BHDB,p14]

[M] Amaury <6> Was Prince of Occitania, but Nathanael (a malkavian antitribu) called the madness upon him and he is now known as a Malkavian named Soliman. [web]

[F] Madame Guil <6> (1563:1579) Progeny of Philippe Volgirre. Sire of Countess d'Adhemar (~1789) and Michael Unther (1802). Toreador Justicar, elected in 1985 and reelected in 1998. [BHDB,p10] [KmW,p64] [CotN,p46] [GttC] [NoP]

[M] Calabris <6> (:1595) Progeny of François Villon. Sire of Rati (1725). Apparently this guy was tossed out for being stuck up. Wound up in the Midnight Circus. [MC]

[-] Pascoe <6> Sire of Lianna (1645). [WoD1,p38]

[M] ? <6> Sire of sire of Suzanne Kadim. Ruler of Damascus. [WoD2]

[F] Annabelle Triabel <6> (1698:1722) Progeny of Maria. Sire of Accou (1784) , Elsa Linden (1791) , Modius (1806) , Tarmonay , Sharon Payne (1929) , Sophia Ayes (1981) , Bret Stryker (1983) and Deacon. [VtM2,pp262-263] [CbN1] [CbN2,p112] [DC,p56] [Alternate New Orleans]

[M] Côme <6> Primogen of Lyons. [web]

[M] Stefan <6> Progeny of Allanyan Serata. [BW]

[M] Redondo de Vasquez <6> Progeny of Ishaq ibn Ibrahim. [EEW]

[F] Renata di Medici <6> (age 17:1793+1996) Progeny of Villon. Embraced during the Prince's exile. Former Prince of Florence and Primogen of Venice. She was murdered by a team of the Society of Leopold sent into Venice by the Giovanni themselves in order to stall the Camarilla's expedition to the Castle of Shadows in Sicily. [HoD]

[M] Joaquin Murietta <6> (1830:1853) Progeny of Christopher Houghton. [LAbN,pp20,85]

[F] Rosa Martinez <6> (1852:1880) Progeny of Melinda Galbraith. Antitribu [CF]

[M] Oscar Wilde "Sebastian Melmoth" <6> (1854:1900) Progeny of Endymion. He is owner of the Vampire Club in San Francisco. [WoD1,p133] (Poet)

[M] Baron Tomas Essex <6> He is in Hong Kong Primogen. [WoD1,p97]

[M] Carel van den Driessche <maybe 6> Leader of the Brotherhood of the Sable Rose, a vampiric order with ties to the mortal Knights of the Sable Rose. Van den Driessche is based in Flanders. [AK]

[M] Marcellus <maybe 6> Prince of Alexandria. Destroyed. [WoD2]

[F] Nakshidil <maybe 6> Progeny of Vashtai. Mustafa's companion and real ruler of Istambul. [WoD2]

[M] El Greco <maybe 6> (+1999) Antitribu. [BC]

[F] Margaret d'Hautmont <7-6> Sire of Anthony Sebastian Sands (1699) and Vidal Jarbeaux (1768). She might have committed diablerie, since Anthony is 8th and Vidal 7th. But Vidal might be the diabolist. [NoP]

[M] Maxime <9-6> Progeny of Geneviève Orseau. [web]

Ancillae blood

[M] Enasius <7> Sire of Gallasyn (324). [CobN,p106]

[M] Abd al-Haqq <7> Sire of Shamit ibn Yasir (749) and Sakan (1179). [VN]

[M] Ranulph <7> Bishop of Nod for England, Gascony and Aquitaine. [CH,p58]

[M] Talios, The Black Patriarch <7> Sire of Remus (982). Involved in the Cainite Heresy. [CoW,p39]

[F] Mannal <7> (:878) Progeny of Darshuf. Rebel Childe. Remembers Darshuf fondly when he became patron of her family. Upon her embrace, he became even more of a father to her. Attempted to rid Damascus of the suspected Baali but instead directed the Banu Haqim's (Assamite's) wrath against her sire. [VN]

[M] Edward Williams <7> (:1075) Sire of Duke (1808) , Leslie Boothe (1927) and Karen Nauve (1985). Prince of Denver. [AH]

[F] Arianne <7> (age early 20s:1120) Progeny of Oliver. Antitribu. Political Chameleon. Instigator of Tragic Romance. [TbN,p67] [TC2,p96] [TC3]

[F] Katherine of Montpellier, the Muse <7> (1116:1100s) Progeny of Theophano. Sire of .... Loremaster and inspiration for many great artists such as Dante Alighieri. Recently arose from torpor in 2000. [CbR-To]

[F] Versancia <7> Sire of Audric St. Thierry (1221). [TC3]

[M] Jean-Marc d'Harfleur <7> (:1444) Progeny of Count Dravik. Archon of Rafael de Corazon. [TC2,p95]

[M] Father Samuel <7> (1299:1333+~1500) Progeny of Herodian. Host for the Convention of Thorns (1493). [TC2,p96]

[M] Chevalier d'Eglantine, The Sheriff <7> (:1454) Progeny of Bernard. [TC3]

[M] Masdela <7> (1512:1543) Progeny of Elonzo. Originally a young italian smith embraced for his strength. [BHDB,p14]

[M] Jacques <7> (+1943) Sire of Morgaine (1649) and Anntoinette (1943). He was killed by Witch-Hunters the night after the embrace of Anntoinette. Suppostion: the two sires of Morgaine and Anntoinette, 7th gen. Toreador named Jacques, are the same. [NObN,p65] [BbN,p56]

[F] Lianna - Leanan <7> (1628:1645) Progeny of Pascoe. [WoD1,p38]

[F] Juliette Dulai <7> Sire of Ransam (1769). [BHDB,p35]

[M] Jean Florent <7> Sire of Leopold (1800). [TC4,p26]

[-] ? <7> Sire of Suzanne Kadim (1910). [WoD2]

[M] Aymeric <7> [web]

[F] Madeleine d'Aunay <7> (:~1720 (beginning 18th)) [web]

[F] Rati <7> (:1725) Progeny of Calabris. A small dark woman of Indian descent. [MC]

[M] Vidal Jarbeaux <7> (:1768) Progeny of Margaret d'Hautmont. Sire of Christianne Foy. Madame Guil's renard. Chief archon; master of disguise and the first Kindred to disguise himself as Rasputin, beginning a legend that spun far out of his control. Rasputin may have never existed, and his identity is used by Justicars and archons for their dirty work. [CotN] [NoP] [CN-Gi]

[M] Accou <7> (1762:1784) Progeny of Annabelle Triabel. Sire of Marguerite Defallier (1876) and Tristan (1902). [Alternate New Orleans]

[F] Countess d'Adhemar <7> (:~1789) Progeny of Madame Guil. She was a neonate in 1789. [KmW,p64]

[F] Elsa Linden <7> (1767:1791) Progeny of Annabelle. [DC,p56]

[M] Michael Unther <7> (1757:1802) Progeny of Madame Guil. Archon of his sire, Toreador Justicar. [BHDB,p12]

[M] Modius <7> (1765:1806) Progeny of Annabelle. Sire of Allicia (1938). [VtM2,p246] [CbN1]

[M] Hausen <7> Sire of Lucina (1879). [MibN]

[M] Dominic Atter <7> [GttC]

[F] Lorena <7> (+1921?) Sire of Tex R.Cainen (Carson Longbaugh). She was an anarch, hunted by the Prince of Los Angeles, she probably died in 1921. [WoD1,p134]

[M] Don Sebastian <7> (~1800:1870+23 dec 1944) Progeny of Christopher Houghton (so he should be 6th gen.). Sire of Victor Girard (1932). He was the Prince of Los Angeles. [LAbN,pp21,82] [GttC]

[M] Tarmonay <7> (+ ) Progeny of Annabelle. Sire of McPhee. [CbN1] [CbN2,p116]

[F] Gabrielle <7> [web]

[F] Sharon Payne <7> (:1929+1992) Progeny of Annabelle. Sire of Michael Payne (1929). [CbN1] [CbN2,p116]

[F] Sophia Ayes <7> (:1981+1992) Progeny of Annabelle. Sire of Teri. [CbN1] [CbN2,p116]

[M] Bret Stryker <7> (1961:1983) Progeny of Annabelle. [CbN1] [CbN2,p114]

[M] Deacon <7> Progeny of Annabelle. [CbN1]

[F] Ionna <maybe 7> (:early 7th cent.) Was Primogen of Alexandria for centuries. [WoD2]

[M] Enrico Arvador <maybe 7> Prince of David (Panama). [WoD2]

[M] Marcos Belegrad <maybe 7> Prince of Bogota. [WoD2]

[F] Daphne <maybe 7> Toreador Primogen of San Francisco. [IE1]

[M] ? <maybe 7> Prince of Edinburgh. [WoD2] [-]

Gallasyn <8> (295:324) Progeny of Enasius. Gallasyn was the first of the Toreador to fall to the influence of the Setites of Constantinople. [CobN,p106]

[M] René Le Comte <8> (:726) [VtM-R, non-licence character]

[M] Shamit ibn Yasir <8> (:749) Progeny of Abd al-Haqq. Became Sultan of Aden during the dark ages. Took advantage of his sire's indisposition to make a place for himself. He has no disputes with his sire, but the centuries of servitude did chafe. [VN]

[M] Remus <8> (945:982+1197) Progeny of Talios. Priest of the Cainite Heresy. [CoW,p39]

[F] Sakan <8> (:1179) Progeny of Abd al-Haqq. Orphan of San'a'. Was the daughter of a desert tribe's chieftain about to be pressed into a loveless marriage when her sire picked her up on a whim. He fancied her and Embraced her. has been largely left to her own devices. Knows the location of her sire, a fact that she feels compelled to keep secret. [VN]

[M] Audric St. Thierry, Master of the Game <8> (:1221) Progeny of Versancia. Sire of L'Epuisette. [WoD2] [TC3]

[-] Sevacora <8> Sire of Noël d'Artois (1436). [TC3]

[M] Anthony Sebastian Sands <8> (:1699) Progeny of Margaret d'Hautmont. [NoP]

[F] Geneviève Orseau <8> Sire of Maxime and Trevor (1831). Genevieve controls one of the largest Toreador art schools in existence and has students around the world. Orseau is believed to be one of the few faerie changelings to survive vampiric Embrace. [Cb-To] [EG]

[F] Natasha <8> Sire of Louis Detonas (1793). [MibN]

[M] Philippe de Lyons <8> (+1999) Sire of Vivienne d'Alembert (1802). Infernalist and antitribu, he believed that the devil spoke to all Cainites through the Beast. Destroyed by his ex-pupil Massimo Farruggio. [HoD]

[M] Ransam <8> (:1769) Progeny of Juliette Dulai. [BHDB]

[M] Leopold <8> (1770:1800) Progeny of Jean Florent. Prince of Vienna in 1897. [TC4,p26]

[M] Duke <8> (:1808) Progeny of Edward Williams. [AH]

[F] Christianne Foy <8> Progeny of Vidal Jarbeaux. Sire of Shlomo Baruch. [CN-Gi]

[M] Montague Lytton <8> (+1983) Sire of Miranda (1875, oldest childe). Prince of the Melbourne city since 1879. Diablerized by Squizzy Taylor. [WoD2] [RaAu]

[F] Victoria Ash <8> (:1820 or 1650) Primogen of Atlanta. GC3 says 1820 but says 1650 for her embrace. Killed Sebastian, Bishop of Atlanta in 1999. [GC3] [CN-To] [CN-Tz] [CN-Tr] [CN-M] [CN-Br]

[F] Marguerite Defallier <8> (1839:1876) Progeny of Accou. Sire of Bran (1920) and Pablo (1945). [Alternate New Orleans]

[F] Lucina <8> (:1879) Progeny of Hausen. [MibN]

[M] Marc-Antoine <8> (:end 19th century) [web]

[-] Dominique <8> [web]

[M] Tristan <8> (:1902+1924) Progeny of Accou. Sire of Katherine (1912). Killed by Nathaniel Bordruff. [Alternate New Orleans]

[F] Suzanne Kadim <8> (:1910) Currently acts as a Sabbat spy since 1983. She is also a pawn of the Setites, though unaware of it. [WoD2]

[M] Ambrose Bierce <8> (:~1914?) Sire of Virgil (1890). [WoD1] [BW] [PoC]

[M] Tex R. Cainen - Carson Longbaugth <8> (1880:1916) Progeny of Lorena. Sire of Alice Babylon. [WoD1] [BW] [PoC]

[F] Leslie Boothe <8> (:1927) Progeny of Edward Williams. Sire of Leslie Wilkes (1972). [AH]

[M] Victor Girard <8> (1900:1932) Progeny of Don Sebastian. [LAbN]

[F] Allicia <8> (:1938) Progeny of Modius. [VtM2]

[F] Anntoinette Larusche <8> (:1943) Progeny of Jacques. Sire of Hans Vroenik (1947). Elder of Berlin. [BbN]

[F] Morgaine <8> (:1649) Progeny of Jacques of New Orleans. [NObN]

[F] Karen Nauve <8> (:1985) Progeny of Edward Williams. [AH]

[F] Bethany <8> Grandchild of Sebastian Melmoth. [BW]

[M] McPhee <8> (+1993) Progeny of Tarmonay. [CbN2]

[M] Teri <8> (+1993) Progeny of Sophia. [CbN2]

[M] Michael Payne <8> (:1929+1993) Progeny of Sharon Payne. Sire of Deforest. Destroyed by Lupines. (aka. Michael Paine) [Cb-Br] [Cb-To] [CbN2]

[F] Antoinette <8> Sire of Hans Vroenik (1947). [BbN] [BC]

[M] Yitzhak <8> Sire of Sabrina. Antitribu. Shepherds of Caine Pack. Pack Priest. [MobN] [NoP]

[M] John Thompson <8> (+1994) Killed by Makish. [RD1]

[F] Dona Lupa Manrique <maybe 8> Castilian noble. Lead the cainite order of The White Company. [AK,p69]

[M] William Grey <maybe 8> English. Claims he received a vision of the Virgin Mary. Lead the cainite order of The Fellowship of Our Lady. [AK,p69]

[M] Samuel Travis <maybe 8> Prince of San Joaquim (Texas). The Eldest Toreador in Texas. [PoC]

[M] Melville <maybe 8> Primogen in St. Louis. [RD1]

[F] Alyana <maybe 8> Toreador elder. Twilight Cult. [EEW]

[F] Marlene <maybe 8> Primogen of Atlanta. [BC]

Young blood

[-] Cantara <9> Sire of Aighar akhu Quzman (1160). [VN]

[M] Noël d'Artois <9> (:1436) Progeny of Sevacora. [TC3]

[M] Owl <9> Sire of Enver Frasheri (1700s). [CbR-To]

[F] Gwendolyn Fleming <9> (:1758) [HK]

[M] Louis Detonas <9> (1762:1793) Progeny of Natasha. [MibN]

[F] Vivienne d'Alembert <9> (:1802) Progeny of Philippe de Lyons. Sire of Alessandro Aiello (1826). She was Embraced by an infernalist (with the help of Massimo Farruggio, who was Philippe's pupil at the time) and then forced to quench the Hunger on her own family members. Swearing revenge to Philippe, she joined the ranks of the Camarilla and became Prince of Florence one century later when Renata di Medici moved to Venice. [HoD]

[M] Trevor <9> (1792:1831) Progeny of Genevieve Orseau. He is Alastor. [EG]

[M] Dominique Santo Paulo <9> Sire of Mercy (1899). [NoP]

[F] Miranda <9> (:1875) Progeny of Montague Lytton (oldest). Prince of Adelaide. [WoD2]

[M] Tamoszius Kuszleika <9> (1848:1885+1993) Sire of Kathy Glens (1971). [CbN1] [CbN2]

[M] Virgil <9> (:1890) Progeny of Ambrose Bierce. Sire of Corrinda (~1993). He is an Italian poet. He is the owner of the Café Prague in San Francisco. [WoD1,p132] [BW] [PoC]

[M] Adrien <9> [web]

[F] Katherine <9> (1881:1902) Progeny of Tristan. [Alternate New Orleans]

[M] Abraham Garcia aka. Bran <9> (1894:1920) Progeny of Marguerite Defallier. [Alternate New Orleans]

[M] Edward Blount <9> Sire of Edith Blount (1924) and Enid Blount (1924). [LAbN]

[F] Sondra <9> Sire of Barth (1934). [MibN]

[M] Johann <9> Sire of Thomas de Lutrius (1947). He is in torpor under Berlin [BbN,p34]

[F] Alice Babylon <9> Progeny of Tex R. Cainen. [WoD1]

[M] L'Epuisette <9> Progeny of Audric St. Thierry. Now an agent of the Sabbat. [WoD2]

[F] Anne Hyatt <9> Sire of Chas Voyager (1952). [DCbN]

[M] Shlomo Baruch <9> Progeny of Christianne Foy. Sire of Paul Levesque. [CN-Gi]

[M] Armand <9> [web]

[M] Pablo <9> (:1945+1972) Progeny of Marguerite Defallier. Sire of Scheherazade (1963). [Alternate New Orleans]

[M] Hans Vroenik <9> (:1947) Progeny of Antoinette. [BbN]

[M] Leslie Wilkes <9> (:1972) Progeny of Leslie Boothe. [AH]

[M] Guggenheim <9> (+1998) Sabbat, member of Fairuza's pack in Atlanta. [TC4,p56,85]

[M] Guss "Redbone" McCray <9> Antitribu. Member of the Dead Gypsies - a nomad pack. [SHS]

[M] Deforest <9> (+1993) Progeny of Michael Payne. [CbN2]

[F] Sabrina <9> Progeny of Yitzhak. Antitribu. Shepherds of Caine Pack. [MobN] [NoP]

[F] Lily <9> [VtM-R]

[M] Empedocles <maybe 9> He is poser. Create Grunge Fashion. [Cb-N]

[F] Marie <maybe 9> (+1994) A personal favorite of the Prince of Paris, Francois Villon. She was killed by Unholy Three. [RD2]

[F] Lin Jun <maybe 9> (:1909) This Chinese sorceress embraced in Paris lives in Hong Kong. [WoD1,p92]

[F] Marie Richaud <maybe 9> (+1916) Primogen of San Francisco in 1859. Born in Paris. [PoC]

[F] Emily <maybe 9> Sire of Clarissa. Emily is missing, probably killed by Darian. [Cb-To]

[F] Hortense Holden <maybe 9> Ancilla, owner of the "Carfax Abbey". [WoD2]

[M] Aighar akhu Quzman <10> (:1160) Progeny of Cantara. Poet of Cordoba. Was an angry young Kindred, a fact that he hid well in his songs and poems. Some of his best work came after trances caused by his bloods curse. Doesn't appreciate his current state. [VN]

[M] Enver Frasheri <10> (:1700s) Progeny of Owl. Composer and madman, kills artists and steals their compositions to take credit for them. Killed the family of a Werewolf, prompting him to mistakingly attack the Sabbat in Mexico City. Killed over 20 people in 1948 and set it up so that a transient was charged and executed for the crime. [CbR-To]

[F] Alexandra Ruthven <10> Sire of Lily. [VtM-R]

[F] Arianna Roquefort <10> (:1750) [VtM-R, non-licence character] [M]

Alessandro Aiello, aka Alessandro Gardini <10> (1799:1826) Progeny of Vivienne d'Alembert. Sire of Silvana Gardini (1929). Lover of Silvana Gardini. [HoD]

[F] Justine Weiss <10> (1845:1836) [web]

[M] Sir Henry Johnson <10> (1825:1858+1993) Killed in a Under a Blood Red Moon. [CbN1] [VtM2]

[M] Mercy <10> (:1899) Progeny of Dominique Santo Paulo. Antitribu. Knight Inquisitor of the Sabbat; leader of the Talons pack. [CotN] [NoP]

[F] Alexia <10> (:~1920) [web]

[F] Edith Blount <10> (1881:1924) Progeny of Edward Blount. She is twin sister of Enid Blount. [LAbN]

[F] Enid Blount <10> (1881:1924) Progeny of Edward Blount. She is twin sister of Edith Blount. [LAbN]

[M] Barth <10> (:1934) Progeny of Sondra. [MibN]

[M] Thomas de Lutrius <10> (:1947) Progeny of Johann. [BbN] [BC]

[M] Paul Levesque <10> Progeny of Shlomo Baruch. Sire of Jacques Gauthier. [CN-Gi]

[-] Chas Voyager <10> (:1952) Progeny of Anne Hyatt. Sire of Rachel Evans (1983). [DCbN]

[F] Scheherazade (Sherrie) <10> (1942:1963) Progeny of Pablo. Sire of Annachie (1964) and David (1981). [Alternate New Orleans]

[M] Tears <10> Antitribu. Zarnovich's Circus Pack. A twisted Pierrot. [MobN]

[M] Pat Pushnig <10> Sire of Julia Cammeron (1985). [NObN]

[F] Kathy Glens <10> (1953:1971) Progeny of Tamoszius. [CbN2]

[M] Cristos Mantigo <10> Antitribu. Member of the Ravens - a founded Coven. [SHS]

[M] Thomas Jurras <10> Anarch. Member of the gang "Night Crew". [SHS]

[F] Creamy Jade <10> Antitribu. Widows Pack. Chinese. [MobN] [NoP]

[-] Torrence <10> (+1993) Sire of Victoria Longwood (1984). Killed in a Under a Blood Red Moon. [CbN1] [UBRM]

[F] Corrinda <10> (:~1993) Progeny of Virgil. [BW]

[F] Clarissa <maybe 10> Progeny of Emily. [Cb-To]

[M] Glass <maybe 10> Frontman and bassist for the Persephone Seed band. [WoD2]

[M] Burton Brooks <10> (early 1900s:~1950) Vampire of Cleveland, Ohio. [BN,p3]

Weak blood

[F] Nasawi <11> Sire of Duyal al-Malatya (1175). [JbN,p102]

[F] Lily <11> Progeny of Alexandra Ruthven. [VtM-R]

[F] Silvana Gardini <11> (1909:1929) Progeny of Alessandro Aiello. [HoD]

[F] Angelique Stravinsky <11> (:1919) [DCbN]

[M] Ted Zyncan <11> Sire of Edge (1938). [SC]

[M] Jacques Gauthier <11> Progeny of Paul Levesque. [CN-Gi] [CN-Br]

[F] Annachie <11> (:1964+1966) Progeny of Scheherazade. [Alternate New Orleans]

[M] David <11> (1957:1981) Progeny of Scheherazade. [Alternate New Orleans]

[F] Rachel Evans <11> (:1983) Progeny of Chas Voyager. [DCbN]

[F] Victoria Longwood <11> (1962:1984) Progeny of Torrence. Caitiff. [CbN1] [CbN2]

[F] Julia Cammeron <11> (:1985) Progeny of Pat Pushnig. Sire of Josua Cambridge (1993). [NObN]

[M] Duyal al-Malatya <12> (1135:1175) Progeny of Nasawi. Share interests with Elsh. [JbN,p104]

[M] Edge <12> (1915:1938) Progeny of Ted Zyncan. Sire of Stephanie (1988). [SC]

[M] Roland Stoltzfus <12> [IE1]

[M] Wayland Smith <12> (:1991) [DCbN]

[M] Josua Cambridge <12> (:1993) Progeny of Julia Cammeron. [NObN]

[F] Stephanie <13> (1963:1988) Progeny of Edge. [SC]

Unknown generation

[-] Killian <?> Toreador Justicar. [AA]

[M] Gunther <?> Toreador Justicar until 1889. [CotN]

[-] Montecalme <?> Toreador Justicar elected sometime before the 1920s, and until 1985. [CotN,p56]

[M] Robert Gainesmill <?> Architect. [CN-V] [CN-Br]

[M] Pierre <?> [BC]

[M] Simon <?> Scholar living on an island in the Mediterranean. [LS2] [Cb-Sa]

[M] Don Carlos <?> An opportunist in the court of Richmond. [CN-Tz]

[M] Alain de Laigle <?> Unjustly accused of being a Sabbat member. [WoD2]

[M] Justinius <?> [AC,p43]

[M] Darian <?> [Cb-To]

[M] Jaeger <?> Archon. [GttC]

[M] Nathaniel <?> [GttC]

[M] Adolphus Grieg <?> Antitribu Fabian. [GttS]

[F] Cinda Lowell <?> [GttS]

[M] Gaston Rodgers <?> Seneschal. [GttS]

[M] Iverson <?> St. Louis. [RD1]

[M] Nigel <?> [CN-An]

[F] Lara <?> Sire of Steven J. McKay. [HoD]

[M] Steven J. McKay <?> Progeny of Lara. [HoD]

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