Nashville After Dark

Nashville Main


Glenn and Siofra Johnson have run a chantry in Nashville for many years. While they used to be vampire hunters, now they focus on what used to be a secondary priority: helping those who have recently come into their powers and don't know how to use them. The group will train or find mentors for those who need help learning about what they have become.


Glenn Johnson - Dreamspeaker Glenn Johnson runs a half way house for teens and young adults who are just coming into their power and don’t have anyone to teach them.

For more information about Glenn, please click on his picture.

Siofra Johnson - Dreamspeaker Siofra Johnson helps her husband teach young people that need help. She also runs a New Age shop near downtown.

For more information about Siofra, please click on her picture.

Roman Burgess - Dreamspeaker Roman Burgess joined the group when they were stationed in Houston. Though he wasn’t thrilled about retiring from hunting, he realized the wisdom in it with the help from his sister, Katy.

Domingo Santos - Dreamspeaker Domingo Santos found the Dreamwalkers by following an Umbral Spirit. At the moment, he’s happy enough to learn everything Glenn and the others have to teach him, but eventually he knows he’s going to have to strike out on his own.


Katy Burgess - Verbena Katy Burgess Awakened alone in Houston and somehow found Glenn and the others to teach her what she was. Once her training was over she decided to stay with the Coven because she had fallen in love with Leslie. Katy works at Siofra’s store.

Kevin Richie - Dreamspeaker Kevin Richie helped Glenn pick himself up after the attack in Baltimore, then helped him to form the Dreamspeakers Coven. Kevin has always been more interested in teaching than in hunting, so it was no effort for him to retire. Kevin is dating Jan Christiansen.


Leslie Coplen - Euthanos Leslie Coplen is fascinated with death and all aspects of it, including the undead. She was more than willing to hunt vampires in an effort to find out just what animated their bodies. Now that the group is no longer hunting Leslie works at a nearby hospital, studying death in other ways. Leslie has been dating Katy for several years.


Bobby Lonetree - Fianna Bobby Lonetree is caught between the hunter he feels burning in his heart and the family man his girlfriend wants him to be.

For more information about Bobby, please click on his picture.

Darin Brock - Fianna Darin Brocks joined the Dreamwalkers fifteen years ago when he ran into them on the hunt for a vampire who had killed his wife. The last few years he’s been more interested in finding a nice Kinfolk to settle down with than hunting the undead. Darin is an environmental engineer at one of the larger firms in Nashville.

Jan Christiansen - Fianna Jan Christiansen is a doctor who works at Nashville Medical Center. For years she tended the group after their hunts and was happy to stop hunting. Jan loves to cook and does most of the cooking in the house. Jan is dating Kevin Ritchie.

Bone Gnawer

Chad Kreiser - Bone Gnawer Chad Kreiser lived on the streets for many years before finding the Dreamwalkers. He wasn’t happy to stop hunting, and still finds time to walk the dark streets, looking for prey. Chad is a chef at one of the five star restaurants in town.

Child of Gaia

Deb Stachowicz - Child of Gaia To say that Deb Stachowicz was surprised the first time she shifted to wolf form is an understatement. Fortunately a friend of the family was able to pass Glenn’s name to her, and the Coven took her in. While she’s waiting for them to find her a pack of her own tribe, Deb works at Siofra’s store.


Darius Armfield - Psychic Darius Armfield found his power strictly by accident and had difficulties controlling it. Glenn witnessed Darius’ Psychometric power one day, and quickly took the boy under his wing.

Ian Angus Johnson
Ian Johnson is the first born child of Glenn and Siofra Johnson. He will eventually grow up to become a Mage, and has come back to the present day from the future at least once to help his family through a crisis.

Aine Johnson - Child Abaigeal Johnson - Child Aine and Abaigeal are twin daughters of Glenn and Siofra Johnson.

