New Orleans After Dark

New Orleans Main



Primogen - Adam Bearpaw Primogen – Adam Bearpaw

Sire: Ricki
Childer: Nadine

Ricky VanDemsy Ricki VanDemsy

Childe: Adam Bearpaw

Nadine Venable Nadine Porter

Sire: Adam Bearpaw
Childer: Belinda Cox, Cory Mathews

Belinda Cox Belinda Cox

Sire: Nadine Porter

Cory Matthews Cory Mathews

Sire: Nadine Porter

Marcus Venable Marcus Venable is a Childe of Lilith masquerading as a Gangrel in New Orleans.

Sire: Amber Garnet (OKC)

Cory Matthews Jessie Casteel is a nocturnal wildlife specialist who works freelance at the local zoo. She also works with the local Tremere on special projects. For more information regarding Jessie, please click on her picture.

Sire: Unknown
Ghoul: Opal (ferret)


Opal - Ferret Opal is an inquisitive ferret who gets into everything

Domitor: Jessie Casteel