New Orleans After Dark

New Orleans Main



Primogen - Jazz Wentworth Jazz Wentworth

Sire: Paul Loomis (Las Vegas)
Childe: Victor Robashaw

Allegra Skye Allegra Skye dabbles in the oil/natural gas industries.

Sire: Paul Loomis (Vegas)
Childe: Daniel

Victor Robashaw Victor Robashaw is a lawyer who owns Harrah’s, the best-known Casino/River Barge in town, which docks on Canal Street. Harrah’s serves as the most common Ventrue gathering place.

Sire: Jazz Wentworth
Childer: Anita Miers, Dennis Howard

Anita Miers Anita Miers owns Ponchartrain Vineyards, located about 50 minutes outside of New Orleans.

Sire: Victor Robashaw

Dennis Howard

Dennis Howard runs the Carnival, which is located under the Ambassador Hotel on Tchoupitoulas St. in New Orleans.

Sire: Victor Robashaw