Salem After Dark

Salem Main


Gavin Hoffman's battle with the former prince after the death of his childe in 1923 caused Beth's decision to have no more than two members of each clan in Salem. When she died in 1997, the Nosferatu called childer and grandchilder from out of town to swell their ranks to five. Elvira often asks Gavin for advise, but for the most part the Nosferatu stay out of Salem politics. They detest the Brujah who they see as partially responsible for the problems in Salem.


Gavin Hoffman - Nosferatu Primogen Born: 1482
Embraced: 1521
Childer: Clarissa Brown, Mabel Green (FD 1923)
Ghouls: Osgood (dog)

Clarissa Brown - Nosferatu Born: 1620
Embraced: 1650
Sire: Gavin Hoffman
Childer: Nolan Waters, Robert Jones (FD 1965)
Ghouls: Tabby (cat), Win

Nolan Waters - Nosferatu Nolan Waters lived in Rochester, New York for many years after his embrace. He moved to Salem in 1997 with his childe, Comet.
Born: 1752
Embraced: 1799
Sire: Clarissa Brown
Childer: Comet

Comet - Nosferatu Comet moved to Salem with his sire in 1997.
Born: 1906
Embraced: 1925
Sire: Nolan Waters

Vance - Nosferatu - Scourge Scourge - Vance traveled the orient when he was a mortal. He learned the martial arts during his travels, but was attacked and killed by a Nosferatu in London. He moved to Salem in 1997 when Elvira Van Dorn opened the way for another Nosferatu in the city's ranks.
Born: 1845
Embraced: 1875

