Seattle After Dark

Seatle Main

Sabbat Vampires and Ghouls

Archbishop's Circle Pack

Randall Flagg - Lasombra Archbishop of Seattle Randall Flagg is the Lasombra Archbishop of Seattle
Born: 1521
Embraced: 1553
Sire: Geoffrey (WOD)
Childe: Maise (FD 1978), Jacob Fuller (FD 1994)

Nemec - Tzmisce Nemec is the Bishop and Priest of the Archbishop's Circle Pack, as well as Randall Flagg's Advisor. Nemec was the clever Sabbat mole in Seattle. He murdered the former Prince Mort Undheim and Former Gangrel Primogen Sam Collins, as well as destroying an Elysium and releasing many of the Camarilla's captives. In light of his achievements she has been granted the position of Bishop.
Born: 1599
Embraced: 1620
Childer: Mama, Rat Man

Lynn Cole - Tzmisce Ghoul Born: 1824
Domitor: Nemec

Anderson - Malkavian Antitribu Anderson is Malkavian Antitribu, and is a Bishop/Advisor to the Archbishop's Circle Pack.
Born: 1859
Embraced: 1912
Sire: Kennith Vansise (Montreal)

Rat Man - Tzmisce Rat Man is Tzmisce, and a Dominion of the Black Hand, responsible for the state of Washington.
Born: 1911
Embraced: 1952
Sire: Nemec

Headroom - Assamite Antitribu Headroom is an Assamite Antrtibu, and serves as Flagg's Templar (assassin).
Born: 1732
Embraced: 1794
Sire: Jamal (WOD)
Childer: Pani Lal (FD 1981), Afri Djalili (FD 1997)

Lloyd - Serpent of the Light Lloyd is a Serpent of the Light and serves as Flagg's Paladin (bodyguard).
Born: 1912
Embraced: 1951
Sire: Duncan Masters (FD 2000)
Childe: Judge

Neverland Pack

Swan - Panders Swan is the Ductus of the Neverland Pack.
Born: 1622
Embraced: 1651

Tink - Ravnos Antitribu Tink serves as the Priest of the Neverland Pack
Born: 1841
Embraced: 1875
Sire: Underwood

Smith - Brujah Antitribu Smith is a Remover for the Black Hand.
Born: 1868
Embraced: 1891
Sire: Palmer Kincaid (DC)

Judge - Serpent of the Light Judge is a Black Hand Assassin.
Born: 1915
Embraced: 1987
Sire: Lloyd
Ghoul: Jay Mendoza

Jay Mendoza - Serpent of the Light Ghoul Born: 1971
Domitor: Judge

Mama - Tzmisce Born: 1692
Embraced: 1783
Sire: Nemec

Dayna Kelley - Toreador Antitritbu Dayna Kelly is a Toreador Antitribu who somehow manages to attend college at the University of Washington, despite the fact that most of her classes are during the day.
Born: 1912
Embraced: 1938
Sire: Joan Lu (Detroit)