Joel Fenian - Sorcerer

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“All life is transitory, a dream. We all come together in the same place, at the end of time. If I don't see you again here, I will see you, in a little while, in a place where no shadows fall”

Delenn: Babylon 5 – Confessions and Lamentations
Joel was never much into destiny and responsibility. He went along because he wanted the magic vailable to his family, and would have done anything to get it. He agreed to his gesa without realizing how difficult it would be to stick to it.

He met Cathryn when he was in his late 20s. He tried to settle down with her, but neither of them were responsible enough. Eventually Cathryn grew weary of having a child and left Joel to raise the boy alone.

Joel wasn’t supposed to be gone very long when he went to Chenasar. Shortly before he left Joel had dropped Nicholas of to visit his mother and had gone walking through the streets of Dublin to kill time. When the three teenaged girls called to him he dismissed the words of prophecy that they spoke. Ignoring their warning, he left Nicholas with his brother Devin and traveled to the alternate world of Chenasar.

While in the alternate reality, he was captured by Taeynd Bloodmark, an evil sorceress, and made her love slave. Unable to escape her magic, unwilling to kill her and break his gesa, he waited for the destiny the fates had revealed to him to come to pass.

Joel was on the verge of giving up when he found the girl the fates had promised him in the dream world. Drawn by her beauty, he was able to contact her and the members of her family through their dreams. They traveled to Chenasar and released him from his bondage by killing the evil sorceress. After returning to his own reality, Joel moved to Hog Island with his son, where he began teaching Mac Brennan the skills he needed to survive his own destiny.

Despite a few bumps in the road of their relationship, Corrine and Joel have begun building their lives together. The only thing standing in their way is the future Joel has seen, a future where he believes he does not survive Mac’s destiny. Corrine will not accept this, and has learned that he may survive, if he has a lion, a witch and a blade. Only time will tell if they can avert his dark destiny, and build a bright future together.