Victoria Monroe - Tremere

Background | Allies | Gallery | Fiction | Music | City


Joseph Edwards - Tremere Angel - Caitiff Sheldon Monroe - Wraith Cordelia Chase - Caitiff Ghoul Brenda Thompson - Tremere Rafe Brown - Tremere Bruce Blackwell - Tremere Elvira Van Dorn - Tremere Ford Radek - Tremere Lord Alden Monroe - Tremere Neal Ferguson - Tremere Micky George - Tremere Sarah Hamilton - Tremere Tyler Keith - Tremere James Price - Tremere Eddie Lane - Tremere Ghoul Howie Dorough - Tremere Ghoul Jake Thornton - Tremere Ghoul


Samantha McLean - Verbena Christina Strong - Tremere Frasier O'Connell - Ghoul Jason Kline - Gangrel Antonio Moreno - Tremere Duncan Masters - Nosferatu Ariel Espenosa - Daughter of Cacophany Lena Stockton - Mortal Mikael Provinof - Child of Gaia Deandre Bevens - Mage