Alt.Salem After Dark

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Master Tremere - Elvira VanDorn Prince and Master Tremere - Embraced by Ford Radek, she hated him. She killed him and left with Akari. Years later she met Beth and fell under her power. Elvira is the puppet prince of Salem, controlled by Akari and Beth.

Sire: Ford Radek

Master Tremere - Akari Master Tremere - Manipulative and seductive, he uses Elvira for the power she brings him. He and Beth conspire to take over the East Coast.

Sire: Elvira VanDorn
Childe: Akari

Master Tremere - Beth Bathory Master Tremere - Primogen of Salem, she is the real power behind the thrown. She is cruel and manipulative, and loves to make others feel small.

Sire: Strongburg (World of Darkness)
Ghouls: Homoculus, Cormac Brennan

Master Brujah - Angelus Master Brujah - Mean and cruel, Angelus has studied the occult for centuries. He loves to play with his prey and has turned many a victim insane before embracing them. He is sleeping with Sarah Hamilton, but is only using her to gain power in the city.

Sire: Darla
Childe: Teresa Norris

Master Brujah - Sarah Hamilton Master Brujah - Embraced by her brother five years ago, Sarah has risen fast in Salem's society. She is the Brujah Primogen, and rivals Beth for cruelty. She, Angelus and Zora are working to overthrow Beth and Elvira. Angelus is her lover.

Sire: Wyatt Hamilton (Alt.Nashville)
Ghoul: Mickey George

Teresa Norris - Brujah Brujah - Embraced Brujah and high in the clan, Teresa is a vamp in every essence of the word. She will sleep with everything and anything, and has a liking for drunk or drugged prey.

Sire: Angelus

Zora Yale - Tremere Tremere - She has very little humanity and absolutely hates Elvira. She would bargain with the devil himself to hurt her. She is head of the Chantry.

Sire: Ford Radek

(Master) Tremere - Faith Scott (Master) Tremere - The Spaniard ran Faith Scott out of Nashville many years ago. She was accepted into Salem society, and is a plant for the Clan. Her task is to take over control of Salem for herself. She adopted Nina on a visit to L.A. five years ago when her sire was killed.

Faith hides her Master status but is strong enough to lead the city.

Nina Rodriguez - Tremere Tremere - Nina Rodriguez was born and raised in California. When her sire was killed shortly after her embrace, she decided to join the Chantry in Salem.

Faith Scott adopted her and trained Nina to live by the gun. Faith has convinced her that prince's group is cruel and needs to be deposed. She works quietly with Sarah Hamilton, Angelus and Zora Yale in the rebellion. She has never liked Cormac Brennan; they have been enemies for years. She has been sleeping with Roger Campbell for some months, he calls her his “Lis de l’eau”.

Sire: Sebastian (Los Angeles)

MasterArlen - Toreador Toreador - Arlen moved to Salem during the Depression and was embraced for the bone carvings he makes. Since his embrace he has learned to paint. He pretends to support Beth and Akari, but he would do much to see both meet Final Death.

Sire: Marlen Krentz

Marissa Deveraux - Tremere Tremere - Marissa Devereaux tries her best to stay out of Beth's way. She wants to help Faith, but doesn't want to risk her kneck for it.

Sire: Marlen Krentz

Master Tremere - Beth Bathory Toreador - Kendall Seaton recently moved to Salem and has taken over running Guilty Pleasures, a popular gathering spot for vampires and their hangers ons.

Gangrel - Rain Gangrel - Since her sire was killed by Akari, Rain has a grudge against every vampire in the city. She spends her nights watching from the peripheral, gathering information she uses to pick off vampires one by one. So far she has destroyed three of the lesser vampires in the city, but she has plans, big plans.

Gargoyle - Raven Gargoyle Raven was sent to the city by Tremere elders to gather information against Akari and Beth Bathory. It (he?) has succeeded in staying out of site, though he has found that he gets the best information by following Rain.


Homoculus Beth created her Homuculus years ago and uses it to spy on anyone and everyone she can.

Domitor: Beth Bathory

Micky George - ghoul Micky George was once a member of the 60s music group The Jesters, until he met Elvira VanDorn and became her ghoul. Unfortunately Elvira lost him in a game of chanct to Sarah Hamilton who treats him horribly. He is terrified of Sarah, and will do anything to please her. She despises hlm completely, and he is her puppy.

Domitor: Sarah Hamilton

Mage - Cormac Brennan Dreamspeaker - Cormac moved to America in his early twenties. He was drawn to the magic surrounding Salem, and fit in well with the other Magi there. He met and married Eliza at age 23.

Beth discovered his abilities and ghouled him around age 27. He loves Beth and will do anything to protect her. He constantly battles the rebels, and in particular hates Nina, who he feels is a traitor. He will kill her and protect Eliza at all costs.

Domitor: Beth Bathory